Skylight Solutions for Your Home

Skylight Solutions for Your Home

Skylight Solutions for Your Home2024-01-16T17:22:23-06:00

Skylight Solutions

Save Energy, Reduce Glare, and Protect Your Furniture and Home Finishings

Safe & Sound’s exterior window film and sunblock mesh can significantly reduce heat that seeps through your skylights, fading your furniture and causing unwanted heat gain and glare.

Exterior film and mesh pays for itself in

3-5 Years

Did you know?

Exterior window film blocks solar heat by up to 85%

A thin, transparent film applied to the exterior of your skylight works by blocking up to 85% of solar heat gain, which keeps temperatures cooler and more comfortable while still allowing ample light into the space.

Did you know?

Sunblock mesh installed over your skylight reflects heat gain by up to 90%

This tightly woven removable fabric is installed over the exterior of skylights, and works by reflecting up to 90% of heat gain, which reduces the amount of heat that is absorbed by your skylight.

Find the perfect window film for your home skylight!

Did you know?

Skylight Window Film and Sunblock Mesh are proven to be a smart investment

Whether you have a skylight in your living room, bedroom, or outdoor space, our products can help you stay cool and comfortable in the summer months. They are especially useful for homes that receive a lot of direct sunlight, and can help you in the following ways:

  • Reduce heat gain

  • Improve comfort

  • Protect furniture and interior finishes

  • Extend the life of cooling equipment

  • Increase energy efficiency

Solar window film or mesh is a smart investment for anyone looking to reduce glare and solar heat.

If you’re interested in learning more about our products or how they can help you meet your needs, please schedule a consultation with one of our skylight experts.

Frequently asked questions

We know you might have questions about window film and how it works. Here are some of our most common questions from clients.

What is window film?2023-11-10T10:50:23-06:00

Window film provides specific personal and property protection from the effects of the sun, as well as added safety and security in the events that result in broken glass. It can also be used as a decorative glass addition, adding character and style to any given space. There are many types and constructions of solar control, safety and decorative window films. In their simplest forms, window films are composed of a polyester substrate to which a scratch resistant coating is applied on one side; a mounting adhesive layer and a protective release liner is applied to the other side. When the release liner is removed, the side of the film with the adhesive is applied to the interior surface of the glass.

Is window film applied to the interior or exterior of my windows?2023-11-09T12:52:12-06:00

Typically window films are applied to the interior surface of your windows.There are window films designed to be applied to the exterior of your windows for special circumstances, such as limited access to the interior surface or triple-pane windows.

How long will film last?2023-12-18T14:54:45-06:00

The effective life of window film will vary by the type of film, type of glass, window construction, compass orientation of glass, and in which part of the world the building is located. All quality window films for residential and commercial use are warranted by the film manufacturer. There are documented cases of film lasting 12 to 22 years, or more in some instances.

How should I clean my windows after film is applied?2023-12-09T15:02:08-06:00

Windows with film applied are easily cleaned without damage to their appearance as long as a few common-sense guidelines are followed:

  1. Use a soft clean cloth, soft paper towel, or clean synthetic sponge.
  2. Use a soft cloth for drying the window.
  3. Use any ammonia free glass cleaning solution that contains no abrasive materials.

The availability of scratch-resistant coatings as a standard feature of quality films has virtually eliminated the need for extra special precautions in cleaning.

Will window film kill my plants?2023-12-09T15:02:25-06:00

In most cases, if a house plant is already receiving adequate light the use of window film will not harm it. New growth or flowering may be delayed and, for a few days, a plant may go into a state of shock while it adjusts to the light change. If a particular plant normally wilts by the end of a sunny day, it will actually thrive better with film installed. Although there are some obvious guidelines in determining what effect, if any, window film will have on a plant (for instance, dark green plants need less light than lighter coloured ones), there is one sample test which can be done prior to film installation: Move the plant to an area with less sunlight for a few days. In addition, most nurseries or local agriculture agencies can advise you as to whether a particular plant needs maximal or minimal light.

Residential services

Other services we offer

Solar film

Reduce solar heat up to 85%, lower energy consumption, and extend the lifespan of cooling equipment.

Decorative film

Decorative window film is an excellent way to increase privacy, improve comfort, and add style to your home.

Security film

Protect your property from break-ins, accidents, and natural disasters with our Security film.

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